Call: (08) 9841 5230
After Hours Call: 04398 11212
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm | Saturday 8:30am-1pm
Address: 170 Albany Highway Centennial Park Albany WA 6330



Chronic laminitis can be a very difficult disease to treat, however, by using natural treatments, the success rate increases significantly.

Natural medicine provides another toolbox of treatments to help treat chronic cases of laminitis. Several of the major factors in helping a laminitis horse are to support their feet properly, correct the intestinal health, provide nutritional medicine to prevent and reverse damage to the lamina, and to return the horse’s metabolism to proper balance. When managed correctly, with patience and attention to detail, most chronic cases can return to reasonable work. The poorly responsive cases can often be managed and kept relatively comfortable without the use of drugs.

Horses with laminitis are often in extreme amounts of pain. Consequently high doses of non-steroidal anti inflammatories (NSAIDs) are used over long periods of time. Research has been done regularly on NSAIDs effects and toxicity in the horse as well as in humans. One recent equine study showed inflamed small and large intestinal walls after 12 days of phenylbutazone administration.

Since high doses of the NSAIDs are detrimental to the integrity of the intestinal wall the drugs may contribute to a leakage of bacteria across the wall that triggers part of the breakdown of the laminae. Consequently, the use of NSAIDs in treating laminitis should be questioned. Clinically, the removal of the NSAIDs is one of the most important aspects of the success of the holistic treatment. When a horse feels better with natural medicine it is because he is better, not because the pain is masked.

Our LAMINITIS LIFTER contains 4 main NATURAL ingredients, including White Willow Bark for pain relief and a natural anti- inflammatory. Rosehip, high in anti-oxidants and vitamin C and aids in healthy hoof growth. St Mary’s Thistle Powder, with remarkable protective and restorative properties for the liver. Dandelion ,for detoxifying and cleansing the blood.

For laminitic prone horses and ponies these is a safe long term management programme.


DOSAGE RATES : 500kg Horse 30gm a day in feed, in extreme cases this can be doubled for a loading period of 3-5 days.

“ Consult your vet before treating any illness”


Simply add to cart for the 1kg bag


How to find us

Contact Us Today

Tel: (08) 9841 5230
Opening Times: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm | Saturday 8:30am-1pm
Address: 170 Albany Highway Centennial Park Albany WA 6330

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Contact Us Today

Call: (08) 9841 5230
After Hours Call: 04398 11212
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm | Saturday 8:30am-1pm.
Address: 170 Albany Highway Centennial Park Albany WA 6330